Areas:"Humanidades" continent:"Europe" university_name:"Universidad de Murcia"
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This OER is part of OCW: Poesía Inglesa (siglos XVI-XX) (2009)
Published under: /Practicas
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  • Description:This course offers a pocket-guide to English Poetry from the end of the sixteenth to the last decades of the twentieth century. It combines a historical, critical and theoretical approach and aims to raise questions rather than provide answers. Its aim is not to teach contents but skills: it is hoped that at the end of the course the student will have overcome a common illness, consisting in a persistent phobia generally experienced by those exposed to a poem in English. The course will aim to show how to read, analyse and comment a poem, i.e. how to think and convey thoughts to others in spoken and written English. The course is divided into formal lectures (clases teóricas) and seminars (clases prácticas). Lectures will provide an introduction to English poetry in a given period. Seminars will be dedicated to reading and discussing poems or selections from poems. Students will be expected to take active part in seminars. Texts assigned to each seminar should be read in advance. The need to cover such a wide time span in the reduced scope afforded by a semester implies that this guide will be necessarily concise and compact. It is therefore full of absences. Students interested in English Literature will be encouraged to fill in the gaps on their own. Specific bibliographical information relative to each of the periods will be made available to students during the course.
  • Description:This course offers a pocket-guide to English Poetry from the end of the sixteenth to the last decades of the twentieth century. It combines a historical, critical and theoretical approach and aims to raise questions rather than provide answers. Its aim is not to teach contents but skills: it is hoped that at the end of the course the student will have overcome a common illness, consisting in a persistent phobia generally experienced by those exposed to a poem in English. The course will aim to show how to read, analyse and comment a poem, i.e. how to think and convey thoughts to others in spoken and written English. The course is divided into formal lectures (clases teóricas) and seminars (clases prácticas). Lectures will provide an introduction to English poetry in a given period. Seminars will be dedicated to reading and discussing poems or selections from poems. Students will be expected to take active part in seminars. Texts assigned to each seminar should be read in advance. The need to cover such a wide time span in the reduced scope afforded by a semester implies that this guide will be necessarily concise and compact. It is therefore full of absences. Students interested in English Literature will be encouraged to fill in the gaps on their own. Specific bibliographical information relative to each of the periods will be made available to students during the course.
  • Description:This course offers a pocket-guide to English Poetry from the end of the sixteenth to the last decades of the twentieth century. It combines a historical, critical and theoretical approach and aims to raise questions rather than provide answers. Its aim is not to teach contents but skills: it is hoped that at the end of the course the student will have overcome a common illness, consisting in a persistent phobia generally experienced by those exposed to a poem in English. The course will aim to show how to read, analyse and comment a poem, i.e. how to think and convey thoughts to others in spoken and written English. The course is divided into formal lectures (clases teóricas) and seminars (clases prácticas). Lectures will provide an introduction to English poetry in a given period. Seminars will be dedicated to reading and discussing poems or selections from poems. Students will be expected to take active part in seminars. Texts assigned to each seminar should be read in advance. The need to cover such a wide time span in the reduced scope afforded by a semester implies that this guide will be necessarily concise and compact. It is therefore full of absences. Students interested in English Literature will be encouraged to fill in the gaps on their own. Specific bibliographical information relative to each of the periods will be made available to students during the course.

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