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Published by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Language: English
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The Creole languages spoken in the Caribbean are linguistic by-products of the historical events triggered by colonization and the slave trade in Africa and the "New World". In a nutshell, these languages are the results of language acquisition in the specific social settings defined by the history of contact between African and European pe
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  • Description:The Creole languages spoken in the Caribbean are linguistic by-products of the historical events triggered by colonization and the slave trade in Africa and the "New World". In a nutshell, these languages are the results of language acquisition in the specific social settings defined by the history of contact between African and European pe
  • Description:This course introduces students to the language of Haitian Kreyòl, or Creole, and to the culture of its speakers. The course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of the language and will develop both reading and writing skills--emphasizing communicative competence as well as grammatical and phonetic techniques. Importantly, this study of Kreyòl explores the language's social and cultural elements, as seen in Haiti and elsewhere in the Caribbean. The course includes an anthropological survey of Haitian history, economy, politics and religion. In addition to class work, music and film combine for a multilateral approach to language development. The program is designed to meet the needs of those who plan to conduct research in Haiti or in the Haitian diaspora, or who intend to work in a volunteer or professional capacity either in Haiti or with Haitians abroad. This is a free, non-credit course and requires no formal enrollment. Students should follow the syllabus and calendar of lectures and readings that are designed for two sessions per week, with 1 hour of study per day. They may also proceed at their own pace. Professor Richman can be available to evaluate and examine students via skype/ichat or webclassroom. Contact her at This course was also cross-listed as AFAM 35775, and ANTH 30012.
  • Description:This course introduces students to the language of Haitian Kreyòl, or Creole, and to the culture of its speakers. The course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of the language and will develop both reading and writing skills--emphasizing communicative competence as well as grammatical and phonetic techniques. Importantly, this study of Kreyòl explores the language's social and cultural elements, as seen in Haiti and elsewhere in the Caribbean. The course includes an anthropological survey of Haitian history, economy, politics and religion. In addition to class work, music and film combine for a multilateral approach to language development. The program is designed to meet the needs of those who plan to conduct research in Haiti or in the Haitian diaspora, or who intend to work in a volunteer or professional capacity either in Haiti or with Haitians abroad. This is a free, non-credit course and requires no formal enrollment. Students should follow the syllabus and calendar of lectures and readings that are designed for two sessions per week, with 1 hour of study per day. They may also proceed at their own pace. Professor Richman can be available to evaluate and examine students via skype/ichat or webclassroom. Contact her at This course was also cross-listed as AFAM 35775, and ANTH 30012.

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