Areas:"Writing and Humanistic Studies" authors:"Boiko, Karen" tags:" cultural context"
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Published by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Language: English
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Did Ben Franklin really fly that kite? What are the ethical dimensions of the creation of chimeras—and what should the public know in order to take part in the conversation about them? Is the science of nutrition really science? How did the technology of birth control end up in the delivery system that we know as "the pill"? Is it possible to time travel—and why would scientists even spend time thinking about it? In this class we celebrate, analyze and practice the art of writing about science for the general public. We read and write humanities-style essays about the intersections among science, technology, and life. Students draw on their own interests and ideas to write essays of substance and grace that focus on science and technology. We'll read models of a variety of approaches to the science essay, including essays by Alan Lightman, Malcolm Gladwell, Elizabeth Kolbert, Oliver Sacks and others, noting in particular how they bring scientific ideas to life for readers. Topics for discussion will include the challenge of explaining scientific concepts; the "personal realm" (Kanigel) of science; myth vs. science; fairness and objectivity in scientific writing; and the "non-quantifiable considerations" (Collini) that are necessarily part of conversations about science. Students will write 5 essays, revising 4 of them, and polishing (re-revising). The class will also have a service learning component, in which MIT students work with a local high school class. Note: this is not a technical writing class.
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Published by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Language: English
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The science essay uses science to think about the human condition; it uses humanistic thinking to reflect on the possibilities and limits of science and technology. In this class we read and practice writing science essays of varied lengths and purposes. We will read a wide variety of science essays, ranging across disciplines, both to learn more about this genre and to inspire your own writing. This semester's reading centers on "The Dark Side," with essays ranging from Alan Lightman's "Prisoner of the Wired World" through Robin Marantz Henig's cautionary account of nano-technology ("Our Silver-Coated Future") to David Quammen's investigation of diseases that jump from animals to humans ("Deadly Contact").

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