authors:"dmalicke" tags:"society" university_name:"University of Michigan"
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Published by: University of Michigan | Language: English
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CMPLXSYS200 About the Course We live in a complex world with diverse people, firms, and governments whose behaviors aggregate to produce novel, unexpected phenomena. W
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  • Description:The overarching goal of this class is to provide students with a working knowledge of social psychology and to stimulate an interest in ourselves, the world around us, and the connections between the two. This is a course about how we become who we are - how our personalities (or our selves) are shaped by others, the groups we belong to, the social structures around us, and our interactions as social beings. However, interaction is a process between entities, a two-way street. Hence, it is not only about how the world around us shapes who we are, but also a course about how we shape the groups that we belong to and the social structures around us.
  • Description:The overarching goal of this class is to provide students with a working knowledge of social psychology and to stimulate an interest in ourselves, the world around us, and the connections between the two. This is a course about how we become who we are - how our personalities (or our selves) are shaped by others, the groups we belong to, the social structures around us, and our interactions as social beings. However, interaction is a process between entities, a two-way street. Hence, it is not only about how the world around us shapes who we are, but also a course about how we shape the groups that we belong to and the social structures around us.

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