city:"Cambridge, Massachusetts" continent:"North America" country:"United States" tags:" natural care" tags:" stress"
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Published by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Language: English
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Affect is to cognition and behavior as feeling is to thinking and acting, or as values are to beliefs and practices. Considers these relations, both at the psychological level of organization and also in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts. In addition to attending weekly class sessions and doing regular homework a
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  • Description:Affect is to cognition and behavior as feeling is to thinking and acting, or as values are to beliefs and practices. Considers these relations, both at the psychological level of organization and also in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts. In addition to attending weekly class sessions and doing regular homework a
  • Description:Affect is to cognition and behavior as feeling is to thinking and acting, or as values are to beliefs and practices. Considers these relations, both at the psychological level of organization and also in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts. In addition to attending weekly class sessions and doing regular homework a
  • Description:Affect is to cognition and behavior as feeling is to thinking and acting, or as values are to beliefs and practices. Considers these relations, both at the psychological level of organization and also in terms of their neurobiological and sociocultural counterparts. In addition to attending weekly class sessions and doing regular homework a

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