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Published by: University of Notre Dame | Language: English
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This is a seminar that is open to graduate students and upper division undergraduates. It has no stipulated pre-requisites and is open to all majors. This course explores the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. While grounded in scientific evidence, a broad perspective of humanism is emphasized throughout, with discussions of how ideas, beliefs, experience, ideals, and human nature animate individuals and societies and thereby give form to the things they make. Readings begin with the idea of nature and how it is manifest in ancient cities, architecture, and other artifacts. This is then contrasted with today’s built environment and our world of increasing economic and cultural globalization, the advent of mega-cities, and an impending worldwide scarcity of critical natural resources.
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  • Description:This is a seminar that is open to graduate students and upper division undergraduates. It has no stipulated pre-requisites and is open to all majors. This course explores the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. While grounded in scientific evidence, a broad perspective of humanism is emphasized throughout, with discussions of how ideas, beliefs, experience, ideals, and human nature animate individuals and societies and thereby give form to the things they make. Readings begin with the idea of nature and how it is manifest in ancient cities, architecture, and other artifacts. This is then contrasted with today’s built environment and our world of increasing economic and cultural globalization, the advent of mega-cities, and an impending worldwide scarcity of critical natural resources.
  • Description:This is a seminar that is open to graduate students and upper division undergraduates. It has no stipulated pre-requisites and is open to all majors. This course explores the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. While grounded in scientific evidence, a broad perspective of humanism is emphasized throughout, with discussions of how ideas, beliefs, experience, ideals, and human nature animate individuals and societies and thereby give form to the things they make. Readings begin with the idea of nature and how it is manifest in ancient cities, architecture, and other artifacts. This is then contrasted with today’s built environment and our world of increasing economic and cultural globalization, the advent of mega-cities, and an impending worldwide scarcity of critical natural resources.
  • Description:This is a seminar that is open to graduate students and upper division undergraduates. It has no stipulated pre-requisites and is open to all majors. This course explores the evolutionary roots of form and order in the built environment. While grounded in scientific evidence, a broad perspective of humanism is emphasized throughout, with discussions of how ideas, beliefs, experience, ideals, and human nature animate individuals and societies and thereby give form to the things they make. Readings begin with the idea of nature and how it is manifest in ancient cities, architecture, and other artifacts. This is then contrasted with today’s built environment and our world of increasing economic and cultural globalization, the advent of mega-cities, and an impending worldwide scarcity of critical natural resources.

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