city:"City of South Bend, Indiana" continent:"North America" country:"United States" tags:" culture" tags:" history"
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This OER is part of OCW: Islamic Societies of the Middle East and North Africa: Religion, History, and Culture
Published under: /MELC 20040 - Download This Course , Fall 2005
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  • Description:This course offers a panoramic survey of the Islamic societies of the Middle East and North Africa from their origins to the present day. It will deal with the history and expansion of Islam, both as a world religion and civilization, from its birth in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century to its subsequent spread to other parts of western Asia and North Africa. Issues of religious practices, political governance and movements, gender, social relations and cultural norms will be explored in relation to a number of Islamic societies in the region. The course foregrounds the complexities and diversity present in a critical geographic area of what we call the Islamic world today. This course was also cross-listed as AFAM 20367, ANTH 20040, ASIA 20004, GSC 20425, IIPS 20714, LLEA 20605, and SOC 20041.
  • Description:This course offers a panoramic survey of the Islamic societies of the Middle East and North Africa from their origins to the present day. It will deal with the history and expansion of Islam, both as a world religion and civilization, from its birth in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century to its subsequent spread to other parts of western Asia and North Africa. Issues of religious practices, political governance and movements, gender, social relations and cultural norms will be explored in relation to a number of Islamic societies in the region. The course foregrounds the complexities and diversity present in a critical geographic area of what we call the Islamic world today. This course was also cross-listed as AFAM 20367, ANTH 20040, ASIA 20004, GSC 20425, IIPS 20714, LLEA 20605, and SOC 20041.
  • Description:This course offers a panoramic survey of the Islamic societies of the Middle East and North Africa from their origins to the present day. It will deal with the history and expansion of Islam, both as a world religion and civilization, from its birth in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century to its subsequent spread to other parts of western Asia and North Africa. Issues of religious practices, political governance and movements, gender, social relations and cultural norms will be explored in relation to a number of Islamic societies in the region. The course foregrounds the complexities and diversity present in a critical geographic area of what we call the Islamic world today. This course was also cross-listed as AFAM 20367, ANTH 20040, ASIA 20004, GSC 20425, IIPS 20714, LLEA 20605, and SOC 20041.

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