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This OER is part of OCW: History of Ancient Rome
Published under: /CLAS 30205 - The Colosseum , Fall 2007
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  • Description:This course introduces students to the history of ancient Rome from Romulus to Constantine (8th c. BC – early 4th c. AD). We will examine the meteoric spread of Roman rule in Italy and the ancient Mediterranean, the brilliance of a republican form of government tragically swept away by destructive civil war, the rise of repressive autocracy under the Caesars, and the threats to empire in late antiquity posed inside by the rise of Christianity and outside by hostile invaders. Special attention will be given to the types of primary evidence—historiography, inscriptions, coins, art and architecture—and how they influence our understanding of ancient Rome. This course was also cross-listed as HIST 30230.
  • Description:This course introduces students to the history of ancient Rome from Romulus to Constantine (8th c. BC – early 4th c. AD). We will examine the meteoric spread of Roman rule in Italy and the ancient Mediterranean, the brilliance of a republican form of government tragically swept away by destructive civil war, the rise of repressive autocracy under the Caesars, and the threats to empire in late antiquity posed inside by the rise of Christianity and outside by hostile invaders. Special attention will be given to the types of primary evidence—historiography, inscriptions, coins, art and architecture—and how they influence our understanding of ancient Rome. This course was also cross-listed as HIST 30230.
  • Description:This course introduces students to the history of ancient Rome from Romulus to Constantine (8th c. BC – early 4th c. AD). We will examine the meteoric spread of Roman rule in Italy and the ancient Mediterranean, the brilliance of a republican form of government tragically swept away by destructive civil war, the rise of repressive autocracy under the Caesars, and the threats to empire in late antiquity posed inside by the rise of Christianity and outside by hostile invaders. Special attention will be given to the types of primary evidence—historiography, inscriptions, coins, art and architecture—and how they influence our understanding of ancient Rome. This course was also cross-listed as HIST 30230.

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