city:"Kyoto" city:"Kyoto" continent:"Asia" continent:"Asia" country:"Japan" country:"Japan" tags:"global environmental studies"
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Published by: Kyoto University | Language: English
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Regarding the use and preservation of natural resources, I’m going to state about the desirable way to take care of the present state and global environment using different points of view on the efficient distribution of natural resources. In other words, at first I will clarify the relationship between environment and economy and the external internalization policy. Subsequently, I will state about the recyclable resources depending on Natural Resource Economics and state about the natural resources which are not recyclable depending on Economics of Exhaustible Resources.
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  • Description:This lecture is going to let students learn mathematics literacy applied to realistic problems according to the differentiation and integration which play an important role not only in the explanation of physical phenomenon, but also in the explanation of natural phenomenon, social phenomenon, and so on. In other words, after learning various forms of differential equations applied to realistic problems, we can say that the fundamental or more complicated phenomena will become universal after describing a subsystem as a part of them. Then we will learn about the properties of solution, the methods of solution and the meanings of solution in physics after determining the first and second order linear differential equation. Concerning the meanings of solution in physics, we are going to learn how to make algebraic explanations on the basis of circuit elements of alternating current electric circuit in complex domain, and we will introduce to the use of explanations in complex domain too.
  • Description:This lecture is going to let students learn mathematics literacy applied to realistic problems according to the differentiation and integration which play an important role not only in the explanation of physical phenomenon, but also in the explanation of natural phenomenon, social phenomenon, and so on. In other words, after learning various forms of differential equations applied to realistic problems, we can say that the fundamental or more complicated phenomena will become universal after describing a subsystem as a part of them. Then we will learn about the properties of solution, the methods of solution and the meanings of solution in physics after determining the first and second order linear differential equation. Concerning the meanings of solution in physics, we are going to learn how to make algebraic explanations on the basis of circuit elements of alternating current electric circuit in complex domain, and we will introduce to the use of explanations in complex domain too.

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