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Published by: The Open University | Language: English
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This unit introduces some key elements of public health and health promotion, using a video case study of Coventry. It focuses on the major determinants of health and ill health and the scope of public health work.
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  • Description:Public health interventions need to be built on an evidence base and part of this evidence comes from epidemiology: the study of how and why diseases occur. Epidemiology is a bit like a game of detection. It involves identifying diseases, finding out which groups of people are at risk, tracking down causes and so on. This unit looks at some key types of data used in epidemiology, such as statistics on death and ill health, and introduces some techniques used in analysing data.
  • Description:This unit introduces you to some key aspects of community level engagement, in particular how to get to know the locality in which you want to work and how you might work in partnership with local people. In doing so, it gives you a sense of the nature and approach of community-based public health work.
  • Description:This unit will help you to identify and use information in health and lifestyle, whether for your work, study or personal purposes. Experiment with some of the key resources in this subject area, and learn about the skills which will enable you to plan searches for information, so you can find what you are looking for more easily. Discover the meaning of information quality, and learn how to evaluate the information you come across. You will also be introduced to the many different ways of organising your own information, and learn how to reference it properly in your work. Finally, discover how to keep up to date with the latest developments in your area of interest by using tools such as RSS and mailing lists.

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