continent:"Europe" resourceType:"ocw" university_name:"Universidad Politécnica de Madrid"
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Published by: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid | Language: Spanish
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This course is about the computational part of Mathematical Logic. Here, "computational" refers to what is amenable to be computed by means of an automatic process. In this sense, the goal of Computational Logic is to automatize the operation of proving a fact as a theorem given some prior knowledge (axioms or premises).
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  • Description:The course on Automated planning introduces the Artificial Intelligence approach to the planning task. Automated planning is a computational task that, given a domain description (in terms of available actions), an initial state and a set of goals, generates a plan that allows to achieve the goals from the initial state by executing the plan actions.
  • Description:The course on Automated planning introduces the Artificial Intelligence approach to the planning task. Automated planning is a computational task that, given a domain description (in terms of available actions), an initial state and a set of goals, generates a plan that allows to achieve the goals from the initial state by executing the plan actions.

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